
snaps instagram

©2025 WOF

Not responsible for anything when visiting this website, have a nice day 
and if you'd like to work together just drop me a message at  
Paws up for Raket, for being my purr-fect co-worker, even if deadlines aren't his 
strong suit, he makes every workday better. So now this space is also filled, nice.


(analog pastime)


For the past decade, I’ve focused entirely on shooting film, with no digital camera in sight—until now. 2025 marks a change, as I’ve had to embrace digital for certain jobs. But that’s beside the point. This space is a small glimpse into my analog photography collection (just a small part, as there are far too many to show them all). Film photography has always been a personal passion that naturally finds its way into my graphic work. Whenever there’s a chance to use my 35mm snaps in a project, I take it, blending the two worlds smoothly.

JEAN VALERY BEHIND THE SCENES - Belgium, Ilford HP5 & Ultramax

MASAI MARA LEGENDS - Kenya, Kodak Ultramax

DRIVE BY SHOOTINGS - Belgium, Ilford HP5, Kodak Ultramax & expired film

TWANY TOWN - Portugal, Ilford HP5 & Kodak Ultramax


MOROCCAN DIPS - Morocco, Kodak Ultramax

WORSHIPS & MYSTERIES - Vietnam, Kodak Ultramax

RUBY WAS HERE - Belgium, Kodak TMax

VOODOO VILLAGE - Belgium, Kodak Portra

PARIS BLINDS - France, Fujifilm Superia

BLØSSOM x WRONGMAN - Belgium, Ilford HP5 & Kodak Ultramax

PIZZA AUTUNALE - Italy, Kodak Ultramax

VENEZIA ANONIMA - Italy, Kodak Ultramax

POULET CITRON - Morocco, Kodak Ultramax

BCN SHORTS - Spain, Kodak Ultramax

CHASING GOLD - Spain, Kodak Ultramax

MADRID BOUNDS - Spain, Kodak Ultramax & Fuji Superia

ATLANTIC FLOWS - Portugal, Fujifilm Superia

AMAZON DROPS - Ecuador, Kodak Ultramax